Dominican Baseball Trip (FAQ) Below is a list of commonly asked questions and answers regarding the Dominican Republic Trip. Click the plus icon (+) next to each question to reveal the answers. For additional question and information, please contact the trip coordinator, Ryan Moore, at

Answer: is the official website of the Trosky Dominican Baseball Adventure. We do our best to keep the website updated if any information changes.

NOTE: The email address used during registration will receive all direction communications for registered participants. Be sure to add to the “safe sender domain” list in your email security settings to insure important trip updates do not get lost in your spam folder.

Answer: Trip dates and details can be found at

Answer: Trip details and registration can be found at

Answer: Lodging, meals, water, baseball activities, and some site-seeing adventures are included in the price of the trip. For a more detailed list of what is included visit

Answer: Yes. Participants are responsible to purchase their own airfare to Santo Domingo Airport (SDQ) Dominican Republic at appropriate times for the trip dates.

Answer: No. Participants are not required to use any travel agent. For those who are not familiar with international travel, an experienced travel agent can be a useful resource to help answer questions about required travel documents, etc.

Answer: All trip participants and staff stay at the trip resort hotel, conveniently located on the beach and by tourist shopping areas. This year’s hotel, the Whala Boca Chica, is only 13 minutes from the airport where players and family will be landing. (included in trip fees).

Answer: Approximately 12 players and their family members. There will always be a Trosky staff member with the group.

Answer: Santo Domingo (SDQ)

Answer: There is a welcome gathering in the hotel lobby the first day of the trip. We recommend flight arrivals no later than the evening (around 8:00pm) of the first day. This will give you a chance to get to the hotel from the airport and get settled. (If you would like to arrive the day before, you can select that option during registration.)

Answer: Any time on final day of the trip. We recommend late morning.

Answer: A Trosky staff member will meet you at the exit of baggage claim and transport you and other trip participants to the team hotel. You will also be given a departure time from the hotel for your return flight at the end of the trip.

Answer: Yes! The Dominican Republic is a popular tourist destination and has similar conditions of a typical third-world travel destination. The hotel is very safe with 24-hour armed security. All of our off-site adventures are to safe areas we have been visiting with groups for over 15 years. When family members venture out on their own, we encourage them to travel in groups to avoid making themselves easy targets for criminals. If trip participants would like to do things outside of the group activities we have reputable tour operators and drivers we can recommend.
Answer: If necessary, yes. This trip is intended for families to experience together.  Players traveling solo can be approved by Trosky staff prior to registration in special circumstances. We have hosted hundreds of players on trips like this over many years. Players traveling unaccompanied will be grouped with other unaccompanied players. There will be a Trosky staff member assigned to those players at all times during their trip.
Answer: Family members are welcome to stay wherever they choose, however, this trip is intended for families to experience together. Due to resort polices and the group arrangements designed for this trip, parents must register and pay as trip participants regardless of whether they choose to stay at a different location.

Answer: Yes! In order to enter the Dominican Republic, you must have a passport that DOES NOT EXPIRE FOR 6 MONTHS after your planned arrival date.

Answer: For adults age 18 and over, you only need a passport that is valid for 6 months after your arrival date. If you are traveling with a minor and both parents are not traveling together, a notarized letter from the non-traveling parent, granting permission for the minor to leave the country with just one parent, may be required.

All travelers will be required to fill out a simple online e-ticket immigration form 24 hours prior to travel. Detailed instructions and video is provided to trip participants leading up to the trip.

Answer: There are two payment options for trips: Payment in full and Payment plan.

– Payment in full option is collected at the time of registration and may be the only option available depending on how soon the trip departure date is to your registration.

– Payment plan option will let you register and reserve your spot with a deposit. The balance is automatically charged to your account on a payment schedule specified in the registration form.

NOTE: There is no extra fee for selecting the payment plan.

Answer: No. Trosky Baseball does not require that participants purchase travel insurance. However, all payments to Trosky Baseball are non-refundable. We strongly recommend you purchase trip insurance for your Dominican Baseball Adventure. There are coverage options that will reimburse you for any non-refundable purchases made in association to the trip including fees paid to Trosky Baseball, airfare, etc.

Answer: Travel insurance is like car insurance. The cost depends on the value of the trip and what type of coverage you would like. The price to insure one participant vs three will be very different. A recommended travel insurance is Travelex Insurance. You can get an online quote here: Travelex Insurance Services. (Use Location Code: 05-4011)

NOTE: Trosky Baseball is not affiliated with Travelex Insurance and does not warranty the quality of service or guarantee payment of claims. Travelex is simply a service recommended by our travel agent.

Answer: No. All payments are non-refundable. Hotel, ground transportation, staff travel, training, tours, etc. all must be secured in advance of the trip and Trosky Baseball is unable to reclaim those expenses if you cancel. We strongly recommend you purchase trip insurance for your Dominican Baseball Adventure. There are coverage options that will reimburse you for any non-refundable purchases made in association to the trip including fees paid to Trosky Baseball, airfare, etc.

Answer: No. All payments are non-refundable. Hotel, ground transportation, staff travel, training, tours, etc. all must be secured in advance of the trip and Trosky Baseball is unable to reclaim those expenses if you cancel. We strongly recommend you purchase trip insurance for your Dominican Baseball Adventure. There are coverage options that will reimburse you for any non-refundable purchases made in association to the trip including fees paid to Trosky Baseball, airfare, etc.

Answer: No. All payments are non-refundable and you are required to pay the balance of your account in full. Hotel, ground transportation, staff travel, training, tours, etc. all must be secured in advance of the trip and Trosky Baseball is unable to reclaim those expenses if you cancel. We strongly recommend you purchase trip insurance for your Dominican Baseball Adventure. There are coverage options that will reimburse you for any non-refundable purchases made in association to the trip including fees paid to Trosky Baseball, airfare, etc.

Answer: Yes! Please contact our registrar in charge of billing at They will be able to provide you with a credit card authorization form to change your account on file.

NOTE: Please notify the registrar 3-5 business days prior to your next automatic payment if you need to change accounts.